Not-Your-Mama’s Mac and Cheese

Who doesn’t love mac and cheese? I don’t think I know anyone who doesn’t. I do know, though, that everyone has a preferred recipe. I think we are all mac and cheese snobs on some level. At least that would…
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Colossians 3:23 – 24 "Whatever you do ……….. it is the Lord Christ you are serving."
Who doesn’t love mac and cheese? I don’t think I know anyone who doesn’t. I do know, though, that everyone has a preferred recipe. I think we are all mac and cheese snobs on some level. At least that would…
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Oh, the brown-banana-dilemma ….. no matter how well we plan, there seems to be at least one in the bunch that ends up too ripe. As much as I enjoy a nice slice of banana bread on occasion, eventually I…
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