Homemade Syrup

This syrup. Is. Delicious. And so easy. And it can taste like anything you want it to. We eat a lot of waffles and pancakes at our house. I am not of fan of the syrups from the grocery so…
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Colossians 3:23 – 24 "Whatever you do ……….. it is the Lord Christ you are serving."
This syrup. Is. Delicious. And so easy. And it can taste like anything you want it to. We eat a lot of waffles and pancakes at our house. I am not of fan of the syrups from the grocery so…
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Soup, I would venture to say, is the ultimate comfort food. It comforts us when we are cold, tired or ill. It comes in so many varieties and flavors – it is universal. I can’t think of a culture that…
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Who doesn’t love mac and cheese? I don’t think I know anyone who doesn’t. I do know, though, that everyone has a preferred recipe. I think we are all mac and cheese snobs on some level. At least that would…
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Oh, the brown-banana-dilemma ….. no matter how well we plan, there seems to be at least one in the bunch that ends up too ripe. As much as I enjoy a nice slice of banana bread on occasion, eventually I…
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